Gilbert Baez, manager of Outpatient Oncology Services at the Carol G. Simon Cancer Center, was so moved by this anonymous card sent from a local middle school that he had to share it with all patients in need of hope and love!
This card, created through an Active Handprint project, was published on the back of Morristown Medical Center/Atlantic Health System's February calendar. (See image below)
A little hope sure can go a long way!
Active Handprint would like to thank our friends at the Morristown Medical Center/Atlantic Health System for the work that they do every day & for their powerful response to our project!
This card, created through an Active Handprint project, was published on the back of Morristown Medical Center/Atlantic Health System's February calendar. (See image below)
A little hope sure can go a long way!
Active Handprint would like to thank our friends at the Morristown Medical Center/Atlantic Health System for the work that they do every day & for their powerful response to our project!